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Robot becomes humans

13-04-2022 11:18 PM

جريدة الملاعب -

Robot becomes humans.
Malak Al-ajarmah.

Have you ever thought that one day humans will be replaced with robots ?

Can a robot be doctor, teacher, coach or even has feelings like human beings ? What do you think the negative and the positive effects of this thing in our lives ?

The development of technology in recent times has had a great impact on the development of the field of robotics as it became more effective than it was before. Robots were be defined by scientist as " it's a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically".

According to studies and experiments conducted in the field of robotics, it was concluded that robots can perform many of the functions that humans perform perfectly. By this, it does not mean only simple tasks, but tasks at a high level of difficulty. To illustrate more , many robots have been designed and programmed with a high degree of accuracy to enable them to perform for example surgical operations that require high accuracy, that means it is expected to dispense doctors and replace them with robots. Example of this,
the robot called "Tian Ji", developed in China, is the only one in the world that can perform surgeries on all the different parts of the spine. China News Network reported that the robot "Tian Ji" recently performed a surgery at the hospital affiliated with Anhui Medical University, central China, with complete success and high accuracy, on a 43-year-old patient who had been paralyzed in his legs for more than a year. Other example is that the American "Tech Insider" website showed a video of a robot called "Kenjaro", which performs some exercises and teaches humans the correct ways to perform them. So that's mean fantasy becomes reality and robots can become instead of humans.

Everythings happen in this world have two side ; negative and positive side. So when it comes to the field of robotics we will see that there are also advantages and disadvantages for relying on them instead of humans. Such of them :
Robots save time and perform tasks more quickly and accurately than humans. Not only, but also robots can perform dangerous and difficult tasks such as exposure to very high temperatures and sharp objects that can threaten human safety. Furthermore , the increasing dependence on robots gradually will lead to the abolition of the role of humans completely. In addition to that robots lack innovation, and do not have the ability to solve problems in new and innovative ways. Moreover, robots will not postpone the tasks assigned to them on the pretext that they have unforeseen emergency circumstances but rather than they will perform their tasks in the required time without delay.

The discussion on this subject is long and has no end, the experiments are still going on. But what is terrifying is that the human role has begun to fade, and herein lies the seriousness of the issue.

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